There are many things in this life people choose to ignore. Taxes, the opinions of their friends and in-laws, posted speed limits, the list goes on and on. Somewhere on that list, you’ll always find home renovations. For reasons that typically include finances, time, and inspiration – a much-needed home renovation can be put off for years, even when you know you’re overdue for a remodel.
Renovating the kitchen is one of the most powerful upgrades you can make to your home, yet it’s regularly the first renovation to be put on the back burner. People worry about timing, entertaining, everyday life, etc. – it never seems like a good time to remodel your dream kitchen. Until one day, you’ve had enough.
Today, we’re unpacking the top 5 ways to tell you’re overdue for a kitchen remodel.
People Think They’ve Stepped Into a Time Warp When They Enter
You may not notice, but you spend a lot of time in your kitchen each week. Recent studies show Canadians spend 6.4 hours per week in their kitchens cooking, and the average Canadian has blindly contributed to the return and rise of the old school dinner party. Over the past decade, culinary-themed entertainment, literature, television, etc. have contributed to the boost in entertaining – and that time is usually enjoyed in the kitchen.
With all that kitchen time, staring at old appliances, peeling paint, chipped countertops, and scuffed floors is going to get less and less appealing. When you invite guests over and they’re sure they’ve stepped back in time when they enter the kitchen, you’ll know it’s time for a remodel.
There’s a powerful correlation between good health and time spent preparing food in the kitchen; if you have a space that supports your desire to not only entertain guests but spend time there yourself, you’ll also be doing yourself a favour in the happiness department.
You’re Moving
Kitchens typically hold a 65-80% return on investment, so remodeling the kitchen when it comes time to put your home on the market is hands down, one of the most effective and substantial ways to boost the value of your home.
Dated kitchens represent a big roadblock for eager sellers in the current real estate market. To a prospective buyer, moving into a house that needs a kitchen overhaul can be a deal breaker — who wants to polish off a stressful move with a kitchen renovation? Nobody. Updating and remodeling your kitchen prior to selling your home is a fantastic motivator for buyers, drastically increases the value of your home, and can even help boost revenue if you’re planning on renting out your space. The more modern and inviting your kitchen appears, the more money you’ll be able to command for it.
You Despise Cooking In Your Space

Shot of a young couple using a digital tablet while sitting at their kitchen table at home
What’s the use of a kitchen you can’t stand cooking in? Kitchens are for cooking – so if you don’t get excited to roll up your sleeves and create a stellar meal, you’re likely overdue for a kitchen remodel. The heart of the home should tug at your heartstrings – it should pull a predictable, positive, and loving response from your being.
When you dread entering the space to begin preparations for mealtime, that overwhelming feeling will, in turn, impact the quality and type of meals that you make.
There’s Very Little Storage or Prep Space
Part and parcel to looking forward to cooking in your kitchen, you need the right type of space to do so from an architectural, and workflow frame of mind. This is a distinct trigger for a remodel because lifestyles change, ideas change, values change, and people change.
Your relationship with your kitchen will inevitably evolve over time, and renovating your kitchen to cater to your lifestyle is required to continue developing and thriving as a human being.
For example, if you’re particularly into cold-press juicing, organic meal prep, or preparing traditional Italian, Indian, or Latin American meals synonymous with multiple courses, you’ll need a plethora of counter space for food prep, as well as storage space to accommodate the numerous ingredients and appliances needed to do the job correctly.
Further, you’ll need the refrigeration space to maintain the freshness of the groceries you purchase. A kitchen with limited counter, storage, and refrigeration space, therefore – is simply no good for someone who lives this type of lifestyle that’s so heavily connected with the culinary sphere.
Sound like your kitchen? Time for an upgrade.
Upgraded Appliances Never Fit Properly
Old appliances die hard, and they always seem to die during the times when you need them most – don’t they? When this happens to your refrigerator, your stove, cooktop, or even your dishwasher or range hood, an older kitchen design will typically support older classifications of appliances in different sizes. New appliances don’t usually fit old spaces and are optimized for size, efficiency, and practicality.
Should you encounter the situation where you have to upgrade your appliances due to mechanical failure, you may be prompted to consider a broader kitchen renovation to help accommodate your new investments in a more beneficial way. You wouldn’t park a new Ferrari in a crumbling old barn, would you?
Renovating your kitchen can be intimidating, especially as it’s the most-used, and most-traveled room in the house – but you’re not alone! Deciding to remodel your kitchen is a big decision will rarely seem like it’s coming at the right time – but the heart of your home is worth the risk.
Delaying a kitchen remodel only perpetuates your unhappiness with your space — remodeling your space is good for investment/resale, your happiness, wellness, and the continual development of your lifestyle and character.
Together, we can make it happen. To get started, book an appointment with one of our expert kitchen designers now!